Friday, October 2, 2009

Guest blogger - Where Your Brand Consistency Efforts Fall Apart

Marketers expend a lot of resources ensuring their brand messaging is consistent and reflects the promise their company makes to the marketplace. This is justified. Unfortunately a key customer touch-point often neglected by Marketing is the direct messaging delivered by the sales representatives to customers and prospects.

In a ‘considered purchase’ situation where the prospect relies on the sales rep for key information and justification, your marketing person or team must be involved in helping deliver consistent and on-brand messages. All sales teams have inconsistency in performance between individuals based on the experience each rep has and the tools they use.

Good sales reps have behaviors based on experience. They: horde key information, develop customized presentations for certain situations, understand the customer’s buying cycle and the rationale, and refer to historical relevant case studies as required. Junior members of the sales team have limited training, a few product binders, youthful exuberance and a lot of fear. It’s not surprising that the brand message each sales rep delivers is wildly different.

Marketing must engage with sales in a more effective way than the historical division that often exists. When Marketing and Sales both consider themselves as key components in driving revenue then collaboration on tools development can drive consistency in sales rep messaging, speedier new rep development, greater team success and, most importantly, an experience the customer will feel is true to the brand promise.

Tools are now emerging that go far beyond typical Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and product information access for sales reps. The most sophisticated of these centralized, on-line tools are helping sales people determine: where the prospect is at in the buying cycle, what key challenges need to be solved, likely competitive positioning, most appropriate solution bundles, access to the most relevant case histories and other critical information that helps determine the right messaging.

Successful deployment of these tools results in more consistency of messaging from sales to customer and helps all the sales reps access the information and support that allows them to quickly become the trusted advisor the customer desires. A nice side benefit is sales and marketing might actually get along for a while….at least until next year’s targets are set!

Bill Jamieson
Bill is the Managing Partner for Streetwise Consulting, a London Ontario based consulting team that specializes in helping companies solve business development challenges. Bill is a graduate of the Ivey School of Business at UWO and has over 25 years experience in marketing, sales and corporate communications. He can be contacted at .